
Saturday, April 23, 2011

beautiful and magnificient building (part 1) - sies tbaik...

Sagrada Família, Barcelona

Visionary Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí spent more than 40 years of his life on this glorious, chaotically complex, and still unfinished Gothic-Art Nouveau cathedral. After his untimely death in 1926 (he was hit by a streetcar), his associates continued his sculptural masterwork, and despite the fact that the original drawings were destroyed during the Spanish Civil War, construction continues today. Completion is scheduled for sometime between 2017 and 2026.

Authenticity Alert: The east-facing Nativity façade was the only one completed by Gaudí himself.

Burj Al Arab, Dubai, UAE

This 60-story sail-shaped hotel, which sits on its own private island, was designed to be a national icon. But the interior is where the beauty lies: a nearly 600-foot-tall atrium—the world’s tallest. The undersides of tier after tier of semicircular balconies reveal a spectrum of colors. And the tower’s powerful diagonal braces, like the flying buttresses of the past, inspire awe.

Institute for Sound and Vision, Hilversum, The Netherlands

The work of Jaap Drupsteen, the graphic artist responsible for the building-size media collage, used to be everywhere in the Netherlands. This building is his comeback. Along with architecture firm Neutelings Riedijk, he covered the façade of the massive media archive and museum with images from Dutch television, abstracted into a giant four-sided mural and baked directly onto cast glass. The effect is stunning inside and out.

The Golden Temple, Amritsar, India

This most sacred Sikh shrine sits in the middle of what was once a wooded lake. The Buddha came here to meditate, and so did Guru Nanak, the founder of the Sikh faith, some 2,000 years later. The Harimandir, or “Temple of God,” was built and destroyed many times before the current version was erected in the late 1700s. The radiance of this gilded building, a mixture of Hindu and Muslim architectural styles, is amplified by reflections in the surrounding water and the devotional music that emanates from the temple day and night.

National Congress Hall, Brasilia, Brazil

 Brasilia probably works better as a Modernist sculpture garden than as a city, but if there is one piece of it that best represents the whole, it’s Congress Hall. Architect Oscar Niemeyer’s colonnaded marvel, with its grand sci-fi entrance ramp, skinny twin towers, and two bowl-shaped meeting halls (one for the Chamber of Deputies and one for the Federal Senate), treats the business of government as a monumental work of art.

The Guggenheim, Bilbao, Spain

The Frank Gehry–designed, titanium-clad phenomenon that upstaged the Guggenheim’s Frank Lloyd Wright transformed the way the world understands architecture, art museums, and the strategies for reviving depressed industrial cities. Today, the shiny undulating museum doesn’t look as shocking as it once did, but it does embody a certain kind of late 20th-century thinking—the thrill of formal complexity and high art.

The Chrysler Building, New York City

Designed by architect William van Alen, the Chrysler’s shiny, filigreed Art Deco spire is the most indispensable piece of the New York City skyline, perfectly balancing the primal thrust of the classic American skyscraper with the desire for a little bling. (It was the world’s tallest for less than a year in 1931 before that zeppelin-masted tower eight blocks south took the spotlight.) Day or night, its stainless-steel crown still dazzles like nothing else.

Mont St. Michel, Normandy, France

Though not as lavish as some landlocked cathedrals, this abbey is certainly the most dramatically situated, enjoying prime real estate just off the coast of Normandy. The first abbey was built in 709, with construction continuing for hundreds of years. Spurning the safety of the causeway (built in 1879 and currently being reconstructed), pilgrims still scamper across the sands at low tide to reach the Mont, and risk being overtaken by fast-moving waters.

ICMC at Brandenburg Technical University, Cottbus, Germany

While many architects prefer the smoothest, clearest glass, Swiss firm Herzog & de Meuron specializes in texture. This technologically sophisticated university library, in an obscure corner of Eastern Germany, is clad in frosted glass—and embossed with letters from the world’s alphabets. Shaped like an amoeba, with its central spiral staircase in bright magenta and green, the seven-story building looks like a carnival ride.

Nelson-Atkins Museum’s Bloch Building, Kansas City, MO

Unlike many modern additions to historic museums, Steven Holl’s 21st-century companion doesn’t overwhelm the 1933 Beaux Arts original. His string of iridescent frosted-glass boxes pop out of the grassy lawn—they are absolutely magical at dusk when they begin to glow—and filter sunlight into a series of dramatic underground galleries.

Gresham Palace, Budapest, Hungary

A $125 million restoration brought this 1906 gem by Art Nouveau architect Zsigmond Quittner back to life. Originally built as a status symbol for the Gresham Life Assurance Company of London, it was battered by WWII and abused by the Communists. Now it’s a Four Seasons Hotel, and a reconstruction of the dazzling, glass-covered shopping arcade—once a destination for Budapest’s elite—serves as the hotel lobby.

Christian Dior Store, Omotesando, Tokyo

Omotesando is a shopping strip more famous for its architecture than for the designer merchandise sold there. Herzog & de Meuron did Prada, Toyo Ito did Tod’s, and Tadao Ando designed the local mall. But our favorite is SANAA’s diaphanous showcase for Dior. In a district where every building is a spectacle, the Pritzker Prize–winning firm built a deceptively simple box of light. The effect is magical, especially at night.

Hearst Tower, New York City

Most contemporary skyscrapers—Burj Khalifa or the Petronas Towers—work best from a distance, but the amazing thing about the Hearst Tower on West 57th Street is that it’s most beautiful up close. The distinctive triangular panels from which architect Norman Foster formed the façade are highly efficient, using 20 percent less steel than more conventional buildings, but that’s almost irrelevant. The important thing is that the triangular motif makes the modest 42-story tower more spectacular than skyscrapers two or three times its height.

*source from forum.

swarovski crystal - kreatif gilerr....

Swarovski  is the brand name for a range of precisely-cut crystal and related luxury products produced by Swarovski AG of Wattens, Austria.
more info, click here.

swarovski ni adlh kristal yang mahal benor hrga nye. Org pmpuan mst suke, tp laki xsuka (pasal laki yang kne beli hehehe..). Memang cntiklh, dh mcm berlian aku trylh search ape yg best nye, aku pn tjmpelh info ni kt forum ni.

"Kristal mewah Swarovski sinonim dengan barang kemas, ukiran elegan dan candelier tetapi seorang pengukir, Nicola Bolla, menggunakan kristal tersebut untuk menghasilkan pelbagai arca yang menakutkan.

Menerapkan tema kematian, sebanyak 15 arca yang dihasilkan pengukir terkenal berusia 47 tahun itu termasuk raifal AK-47, tengkorak, tulang rusuk dan tulang paha dipamerkan kepada umum sempena Minggu Seni Reka Milan.

Dia menjadi popular kerana menggunakan bahan yang mewah dan cantik termasuk berlian untuk menghasilkan pelbagai objek termasuk mangkuk tandas."

ni law tembak, org xmati sebab mati sebab harganya..hehehe

nie tengkorak paling berharga...

hrga merc dh mmg mahal, tmbh lg kristal swarovski ni, bjuta2 lh hrganya...

even jamban pun disaluti kristal swarovski...sayanglh nk guna...


Friday, April 22, 2011

perghhh banyaknye....!!!!

perghhh...makan ke melantak?

mak oi bnyk giler mknan org arab, memang smua sedia maklum, orang2 arab ni memang terkenal dengan makanan yang banyak..pelbagai juadah terhidang..kita yang melihat pasti gerun...tapi law korang nk tawlah...orang2 arab lg gerun tengok law kiter makan...sebab ape?
hehehe, ni antara dialog orang arab n orang malaysia....

orang malaysia: mak oiii!! kus smangat, banyak bonar ekau makan...naik kocut perut den tengok...
orang arab      : ish3, watpelah yang hang nak dok takut, kami org arab memang lagu tu..msk banyak2, buleh                         makan sekor kambing ka, sekor unta ka, tu biasalh...nk wat lagu mana lg, dh                               memang kami makan bnyak tu...
orang malaysia: bangso ekau ni memang den respeklah..bukan makan laie dh tu..tu dh d kiro melantak...
orang arab      : wuish, tu biasa ja bg kami lg takut ngn bangsa hangpa ni...
orang malaysia: aik, napo plak?
orang arab      : hangpa buleh mkn 6-7kali sehari..hangpalh lg hebat...pagi srpn, pastu tghari makn, petang                               duk mkn kuih, mkn mlm, tengah malam pun lepak kdai mamak layan roti canai...
orang malaysia: hehehe samolah kito yo...den takut tgk ekau skali makn banyak...ekau takut kat den pasal                             makan banyak kali...hehehehe... :-)

nasi lemak di banned dari di jual di kantin sekolah...

perghhh memang menyelerakan..tetibe je lapor..hehehehe...

Baru2 ini kerajaan telah mengambil inisiatif mengharamkan penjualan nasi lemak di sekolah. Kesedaran ini timbul kerana kadar peningkatan obesiti dikalangan pelajar sekolah semakin meningkat. Ramai yang menyokong tindakan ini dan tidak kurang juga ada yang membantah (walaupun ia nya hanyalah sebilangan kecil sahaja

nasi lemak bahaya pada kesihatan kita?

piramid makanan seimbang...

Nasi lemak mengandungi kadar karbohidrat dan lemak yang tinggi. Karbohidrat terkandung dalam nasi, manakala lemak terkandung dalam santan yang digunakan dalam penghasilan nasi lemak. Oleh itu, pengambilan yang berlebihan akan menyebabkan kadar kolestrol yang tinggi. Melihat pada piramid makanan seimbang, lemak adalah yang paling kurang sekali kadar pengambilannya. Jadi pengambilan yang berlebihan menyebabkan ia bahaya pd kesihatan kita.

sejarah tentang nasi lemak

Nasi lemak merupakan makanan kegemaran bagi orang Malaysia dan Singapura terutama sebagai sarapan pada waktu pagi. Nasi lemak merujuk kepada nasi yang dimasak dengan menggunakan santan kelapa, bagi menambah rasa lemaknya. Kadangkala daun pandan dimasukkan semasa nasi lemak dimasak bagi menambahkan aromanya.

Nasi lemak biasanya dihidangkan dengan telur, timun, ikan bilis goreng dan sambal. Tetapi kini nasi lemak dijual dengan pelbagai lauk yang termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada daging, ayam, sotong, udang, limpa, dan hati (lembu).

Nasi lemak bukanlah satu makanan sarapan harian pada umumnya. Amalan pemakanan nasi lemak merupakan satu bekalan kepada pesawah-pesawah padi mahupun yang mengusahakan kebun seperti getah, kelapa sawit, sayur-sayuran dan lain-lain. Kebanyakan di Semenanjung Malaysia ,Selatan Thai, Brunei dan Singapura, bekalan Nasi Lemak sering dibekalkan, kerana ia mampu memberi tenaga kepada mereka ini yang membanting keringat.

Pandangan aku?

Sebenarnya aku rase, bukan salah sangat pn nasi lemak tu tp yang salah tu kita. Kita ni dh terbiasa dr kecik lg dok lh mkn nsi lmak. Sape kata xsedap, law xsedap xknlh dh 50 thn lbh negara kita merdeka, nsi lemak xpernah pupus pn. Pergilh mne ceruk daerah kt malaysia ni, mst korg jmpe nsi lmk djual; xkira bangsa, melayu, cina dan india suke mkn nsi lemak. Dari harga 50sen sebungkus, sampilah berbelas ringgit (tu skali ngn lauk-pauknye lh).
So biler dh sedap, tntulah mkn pn btambah kn? Aku tawlh, pasal aku pn cmtu hehehe... Tapi, law dh mkn banyak, bersenam pn malas (ala, watlh kje2 yang kuarkn peluh-kemas umah pn dh berpeluh2), pastu dh kenyang, baring sampi tertido, memanglh mcm2 penyakit datang. Tok nenek moyang kiter dulu pn mkn nasi lemak, tp lpas mkn diorg pg sawah, motong gotah, sobab tulah diorang sihat.
Mase aku sekolah dulu pn, aku mcm budak2 sekolah sekarang lah, mesti ade je menu nasi lemak. Law tak beli kt kantin, bawak dr rumah..ade jgk kwn2 yg bwk untuk jual...So dari situlah jd bahaya nye, dlm seminggu dok telan nasi lemak je, maklumlh time aku dulu, mknn kat kantin xsedap mane...Tu belum kira roti canai lg, lglh byk biler time abis waktu persekolahan, jajan, kropok,jeruk, makanan ringan plak jd santapan...aku rase tu lg bahaya...
Cara atasi?

  • ibubapa bleh le cut duit belanja anak2, janganlh mewah sangat...sampi sehari bg RM5
  • bawaklah bekal dr least dpt jimat duit...makanan pn tjamin kebersihannya
  • kurang2kanlah makan nasi lemak wktu muda2 ni...tu pn law rase sayangkan nyawalh...
  • cubelh wat aktiviti yang bleh kuarkan peluh- jangan duk makn tdo, mkn tdo...
  • ajar supaya anak2 mkn mknn yg sihat - salad, buah2 tu elok le mkn banyak dr mkn nasi
  • kurg2kn memakan mknan dr jenis FASTFOOD dan FROZEN FOOD... 

disgusting food - BALUT...

Korang tentu tahu telur ayam menjadi antara menu atau bahan2 dalam setiap masakan. Malah ia juga menjadi suatu kemestian dalam setiap hidangan. Ada pelbagai sajian yang menggunakan telur, diantaranya;
  • telur rebus
  • telur goreng
  • telur dadar
  • telur setengah masak
  • sambal telur
  • kari telur
  • telur pindang
  • bunga telur (ala time kenduri kawen slalu ada, tp skargni org letak gula2)
memang smua suka sajian diatas (bagi yang xde masalah alergi dengan telurlh). Tapi di filipina lain pula ceritanya, Balut. Korang pernah dengar tak? lak tak, meh aku story sikit.
Balut ni adlh telur telur itik@ ayam yang dh nk menetas, direbus dan d makan. Geli bukan? tapi itulah antara juadah yg menjadi adat di Filipina.
Law akulh, xdenye aku nk makan...geli dowh...

haaaa...nilah rupenye Balut...

perghhh, siap nmpk lg ank aym tuuu....

ni Balut yang di goreng. Menyelerakan....

 A balut is a fertilized duck (or chicken) egg with a nearly-developed embryo inside that is boiled alive and eaten in the shell.

Popularly believed to be an aphrodisiac and considered a high-protein, hearty snack, balut are mostly sold by street vendors in the regions where they are available. It is commonly sold as streetfood in the Philippines. They are common, everyday food in some other countries in Southeast Asia, such as in Laos called kai look (ໄຂ່ລູກ) and Thailand (where it is called Khai Khao - ไข่ข้าว), Cambodia (Pong tea khon ពងទាកូន in Cambodian), and Vietnam (Trứng vịt lộn or Hột vịt lộn in Vietnamese). They are often served with beer.

huhuhu sies nk tmuntah dh nie. Ape2 pn, law korang nk taw lebih lnjut, klik sini. 
Kat bwh ni aku letak video utk korg tgk. Law muntah nnt, pandai2lh lap hehehe...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

perkembangan animasi (kartun) di malaysia...

Hurmm..aku ni xtawlh sgt pun sjarah animasi di malaysia ni, cme sikit2 tu boleh lh nk kongsi ngn korang. Dulu, kartun di malaysia ni bermula ngan kisah2 teladan yang biasenye di ceritakan secara turun temurun dari mulut ke mulut. Jadi bila dh ade teknologi sikit, ia mula dibuat melalui penulisan dan lakaran bagi memudahkan jalan cerita.

Seiring dengan kemajuan dan teknologi, ia mula dbuat dalam bentuk kartun. ini adalah yang mula2 dibuat di malaysia. (aku rasalah)

Kemudian, bermulanya siri animasi yang pertama, iaitu Usop Sontorian. Mengisahkan tentang budak2 kampung yang penuh dengan adat dan suasana kampung.

kartun berunsur superhero turut menjadi tontonan di tv. superhero keluangman dan kawannya tiongman, bersama2 membanteras kejahatan di bandar. adelh sikit2 mcm batman.

lebih hebat lg, aksi animasi di malaysia turut di paparkan di layar perak. filem silat lagenda mngisahkan sekumpulan 5 sahabat yang menentang orang jahat. (ala2 citer hang tuah 5 bersaudara tp versi moden).

tidak lupa juga siri kartun Lat the kampung boy yang turut dikenali di dalam dan luar malaysia.

kartun yang bersifat semangat kesukanan turut menjadi popular. siri anak2 sidek..kisah jagoan badminton malaysia sewaktu mereka masih kecil.

itulah sebahagian yang dapat aku kongsikan pd korang wat mse ni. nnt aku smbung lg ya... :-)

ultraman lupa skill...

Mase aku kecik2 dulu, memang aku minat gila tgk citer ultraman. ala, korang pun suke jgk kn, law tak xkanlh sampi dah berpuluh jenis watak ultraman di wujudkan untuk tontonan korang. Tapi skrgni aku xlh tgk sgt pn cuz dh xbrape nk mnarik (maklumlh dh mkin tua ni, xlh tgk citer kanak2 dh).
tiap2 episod mesti ade raksasa yang akan cuba menggangu ketentraman bumi. tapi video ni aku agak pelik sket. Boleh plak ultraman ni lupe skill. Dah mcm sengal je aku tgk..ape2 pn jom layan..hehehehe...

sejarah ultraman: makcik wiki


darweze - the door to hell...

Darweze ( Darwaza )is a Turkmenistan village of about 350 inhabitants, located in the middle of the Karakum desert, about 260 km north from Ashgabat.The Derweze area is rich in natural gas. While drilling in 1971, geologists tapped into a cavern filled with natural gas. The ground beneath the drilling rig collapsed, leaving a large hole with a diameter of about 70 metres (230 ft) at 40°15′10″N 58°26′22″E. To avoid poisonous gas discharge, it was decided to burn it off. Geologists had hoped the fire would use all the fuel in a matter of days, but the gas still burns 40 years later. Locals have dubbed the cavern "The Door to Hell."

inilah gambar "Door to Hell"..memang menakutkan..

Next to capturing the gas, flaring is safer and friendlier to the environment than releasing the methane into the atmosphere, as methane is a relatively potent greenhouse gas with a high global warming potential of 72 (averaged over 20 years) or 25 (averaged over 100 years).

Turkmenistan plans to increase its production of natural gas. In April 2010, the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow visited the site and ordered that the hole should be closed, or other measures be taken to limit its influence on the development of other natural gas fields in the area.

japanese train - during peak hour...

Dulu mse aku blaja di kolej, aku kerap menggunakan perkhidmatan komuter. Lebih slesalh jika di bandingkan dengan perkhidmatan bas. Maklumlh, naik komuter nie, system penghawa dingin nye lbh efficient berbanding bas. 
Tapi kedua duanye ada satu persamaan - sesak bila peak hour. Yup, aku pernah mengalami keadaan sesak ketika menggunakan bas dan juga komuter. Pergh, xyah cakaplah sesak mcm sardin dh. Malah aku juga pernah buat research tentang perbezaan menaiki komuter dikala waktu peak hour dan bukan peak hour. Sampaikan nk benafas pun ssh, lemas ooo...macam2 bau ade...drpd wangi smpilh tengik....

Tp aku bersyukurlh kerana walau mcm mana sesak skalipun, xdalh smpi jd mcm kt Jepun..nak taw nape? jom tengok video yg aku share nie... 

dolphin massacre...

ish3..bila manusia sudah mnjadi seperti binatang...ikan2 dolphin di bunuh dengan begitu kejam skali...hilang sifat2 manusia yang berakal.. :-(

texas wildfires...

akibat daripada pemanasan global (global warming), kebakaran hutan boleh terjadi. pemanasan suhu yang melampau, memberi impak yang besar kepada semua hidupan. ini adalah sebahagian daripada gambar2 kebakaran hutan yang terjadi di Texas.

sumber daripada: HTTP://
(According to the Texas Forest Service, March 2011 was the state's driest March on record, leaving it in extreme drought and fueling recent wildfires that have destroyed hundreds of homes and burned more than one million acres over the past two weeks. High winds have been driving some fires eastward, closer to the densely populated Dallas-Fort Worth area. Governor Rick Perry has asked President Barack Obama for federal disaster funding, with the cost of fighting the fires estimated to be $2 million per day, supporting nearly 2,000 personnel across the state. Gathered here are recent images of the wildfires across Texas and the efforts being made to combat them.)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

amazing goal by the football manager..

wow...what an amazing goal by the manager..this was happen in japan football match...even me cant do it...even though that goal was not counted, but that was the best goal ever... :-)

jangan ketawa, nnt kena sebat.. jpun mmg tknal dgn game show yg gila2..ini adlh game show d mana stiap peserta hndaklh melihat paparan pd sesiapa yg di dapati tergelak, maka mereka akn d sebat...perghhh, law aku pn gerenti dh kne sebat byk kali cuz mmg klakar.. :-)

lawak johan tiru gaya selebriti...

hahahaha....smua gaya selebriti terkenal di msia di tirunye...lawak2, tp mybe ade jgk yg rse mnyampah..ape pn smua tpulang pd pndgn masing2.. :-)

wow...make music with iphone...

whaaaa...i dun no what to say, this girl is just so awesome..she just using iphone application and her beautiful voice to make the music so great..two thumbs up gurl! :-)

baby scared n lough when her mom blows her nose...

waaa...this cute little baby just make me the way, the baby is really cute.. :-)

dilema seorang gadis...

i've found this video on youtube...i hav no comment on this video, just check it out...

dragon ball fanatic...

aku rasa era kegilaan dragon ball kt msia nie thun 1996 lg, pasal mse tu aku darjah 4 sbuk duk bce komik dragon ball. sampilh kt skolah aku pn ramai duk follow komik tu..mmg jalan citernyer agak menarik...sampilh aku dh msuk kolej pn, still ade member2 yg duk download citer tu..time aku surf youtube, aku jmpelh video nie..agak smartlh jgk bdak2 ni wat..ape2 pn, jom layan..

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

biler pembaca berita bersin...

hehehehe...slalunye org bersin, bunyi ni bunyi abhiii..hehehee mmg lawak pecah perut.. :-)

helium effect

hahaha...naik pocah perut den mendongarnyo...mmg lawaklh...inilah kesan helium gas, sore jd kecik...nk trylh... :-)

magic oooo....

hadoiii...ape punye prangai daa...terang2 curi depan smua media...nk kata xmmpu, aku rasa kaya still mncuri...hehehehe... :-)

biler org tua mula menari...

hehehe...memang kelakar biler org tua mnari ikut rentak techno... :-)