
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

amazing goal by the football manager..

wow...what an amazing goal by the manager..this was happen in japan football match...even me cant do it...even though that goal was not counted, but that was the best goal ever... :-)

jangan ketawa, nnt kena sebat.. jpun mmg tknal dgn game show yg gila2..ini adlh game show d mana stiap peserta hndaklh melihat paparan pd sesiapa yg di dapati tergelak, maka mereka akn d sebat...perghhh, law aku pn gerenti dh kne sebat byk kali cuz mmg klakar.. :-)

lawak johan tiru gaya selebriti...

hahahaha....smua gaya selebriti terkenal di msia di tirunye...lawak2, tp mybe ade jgk yg rse mnyampah..ape pn smua tpulang pd pndgn masing2.. :-)

wow...make music with iphone...

whaaaa...i dun no what to say, this girl is just so awesome..she just using iphone application and her beautiful voice to make the music so great..two thumbs up gurl! :-)

baby scared n lough when her mom blows her nose...

waaa...this cute little baby just make me the way, the baby is really cute.. :-)

dilema seorang gadis...

i've found this video on youtube...i hav no comment on this video, just check it out...

dragon ball fanatic...

aku rasa era kegilaan dragon ball kt msia nie thun 1996 lg, pasal mse tu aku darjah 4 sbuk duk bce komik dragon ball. sampilh kt skolah aku pn ramai duk follow komik tu..mmg jalan citernyer agak menarik...sampilh aku dh msuk kolej pn, still ade member2 yg duk download citer tu..time aku surf youtube, aku jmpelh video nie..agak smartlh jgk bdak2 ni wat..ape2 pn, jom layan..